
We're Giving Away Squares to Process Credit Cards On-the-Go


Square has generously donated 50 credit card readers for Centro's small business entrepreneurs, and we are giving them away starting now!

Ask for your reader as soon as possible by emailing us at with the subject line: "My Square Credit Card Reader."

Run your business with ease and grow faster by processing credit cards anywhere with Square. Visit their website to learn about their fee per transaction, and other Square products that can help your business succeed faster.

*We are giving away up to two credit card readers per business. And if you are no longer in the Bay Area, let us know and we'll put it in the mail for you. 

Supporting a 50-year Family Tradition: Food with Integrity and Love

Nellie and her father, Chris Stokeld.

Nellie and her father, Chris Stokeld.

We're extremely excited to rally support for Nellie Stokeld from The Pie Shop. Her family has produced handcrafted, savory British pub fare and tea-themed treats in Oakland, Ca for decades. A couple of years ago, Nellie completed Centro's advanced entrepreneurship training program and she is now carrying the tradition of the Stokeld family business with great craft and pride. 

Please help us support Nellie by lending her $25 or more through

The Stokeld's at a 2013 pop-up in Oakland, CA.

The Stokeld's at a 2013 pop-up in Oakland, CA.

The Pie Shop | Authentic British Pies, Pasties, Teas & Treats

The Pie Shop is a second generation offering from the Stokeld family beginning with Chris Stokeld, an immigrant hailing from North Yorkshire in England. Fifty years later, the emphasis of our shop is still on whole food, made with integrity and served with love.

Purpose of the loan: To hire a new employee, purchase new equipment, and improve online retail services.

***Current status: loan fully funded.


If you’d like to start or grow a small business with a free loan, download Centro's Business Planning App on your phone. Once all the activities in the app are completed, request Centro's endorsement for a Kiva loan right there on the app.

We are Kiva's top 10 Trustee for 2015 and we'd love to help you!

Put Your MBA Knowledge to Work, Gain Experience & Make a Difference

Are you an MBA student wanting to accumulate real-world business experience?

Centro is accepting applications for the Fall 2016 intake of its MBA Advisor Program - an accelerated program designed to train MBA students to become small business consultants.

We will match you with a rising small business owner enrolled in Centro's Entrepreneur Readiness Program and in working together to build his business, over a 14-week period you will gain practical experience in:

  • Management consulting
  • Small business finance
  • Credit analysis
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Professional coaching

The MBA Advisor Program provides participants with an invaluable opportunity to directly apply what they learn in school towards helping local, talented, small business entrepreneurs to develop their business plan while accumulating hands-on experience.

Interested? Apply online today.

Criteria for MBA Student Advisors

  • 1-3 years professional work experience
  • Proven team player with strong communication and collaboration skills
  • Committed to learning and self-improvement
  • Ability to commit between 5-10 hours per week during the program

Program Duration
From September 16 through December 16, 2016.

Interview Period & Deadline

  • Interviews start in August
  • Final selection: Friday, Sept 5th, 2016

Interview Format
One-hour behavior interview, including a business case study interview.

Inquiry Contact
Please email Irina Kurtsevaya at

More Information

Learn more about the structure, methodology, benefits and requirements to participate in the MBA Advisor Program. And view the roadmap MBA Student Advisors use to guide their small business entrepreneurs. 

What You Need to Know to Grow Your Small Business

Christine Doerr, Owner of NeoCocoa and Centro's Entrepreneur Readiness Program Alumn. Photo credit: Susie Wyshak.

Christine Doerr, Owner of NeoCocoa and Centro's Entrepreneur Readiness Program Alumn. Photo credit: Susie Wyshak.

Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your small business? 

Centro is recruiting for the Fall 2016 intake of its Entrepreneur Readiness Program, our advanced training program for small business entrepreneurs who have already developed a product or service, and are looking for help to take their business to the next level.

This program is intentionally designed for entrepreneurs without access to traditional business training and who can attend weekly workshops to improve their business competency, credit health, and professional development. 

Throughout the program, participants also receive support from Centro’s trainers, outside experts, peer entrepreneurs and an MBA advisor, exclusively dedicate to consult and build up with you a complete business plan.

Interested? Apply online today.

Interview Period
August -  September 5 (Some exceptions allowed).

Program Duration
Friday afternoons from September 16 through December 16, 2016.

$500 per participant.

Inquiry Contact
Please email Irina Kurtsevaya at

More Information

Learn more about the Entrepreneur Readiness Program, meet alumni and read what they have to say about their experience with Centro.



7 New Small Business Owners Trained in Spanish at The Latina Center

It is graduation season for our entrepreneurs as well! 

A group of emerging small business entrepreneurs just graduated from Centro's Basic Entrepreneurship Program at The Latina Center in Richmond, CA. They completed the program in Spanish and are now finally ready to go forth with their businesses with the confidence and preparation they needed.

  • Carmen Alejo will launch a mobile library
  • Elizabeth Fernandez will launch an event design consulting firm for weddings
  • Bernardo Gonzalez will launch a firm to assist others in the purchase of cars and homes
  • Maria Limón improved the business model of her replacement auto-parts shop
  • Josue Vargas and Juan Guzmán will grow their landscaping business
  • Fernando Pérez will grow his butcher shop

We congratulate these 7 new business owners, and look forward to their continued success!

The next Basic Entrepreneurship Program in Spanish at The Latina Center starts on July 13, 2016. Take a look at the details, join or share the opportunity with others.  

Read what former participants say

Yo tomé el curso para ayudarle a mi jefe con el negocio, despues de tomar el curso, quiero emprender yo mismo uno y estoy motivando a mi mama para que también lo haga!
— JOSUE VARGAS - G.O. Blessing Construction Inc.
Siempre había pensado que tener mi propio negocio era muy difícil por las finanzas, ahora sé que tengo las herramientas para hacerlo y me quiero seguir capacitando
— ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ - Liangel - Asesoria para bodas
Mi esposo siempre se encargaba de todo por que yo no entendía nada, ahora soy yo la que le explico lo que aprendi en las clases y trabajamos juntos para mejorar nuestro negocio
— MARIA LIMÓN - Uniken Customs

Join the Centro Lending Team on

Centro Team.jpg

We now have a Centro Lending Team on!

Since April 2012 as a Kiva trustee, Centro Community Partners has endorsed 16 loans to Bay Area small business entrepreneurs for a value of $135,800. We are very proud of that because we know that every dollar of that total sum has gone towards empowering a talented, new business owner who most likely wouldn't have gotten funding otherwise.

As an individual lender on Kiva, you have helped make that a reality. That's why we now want to unite officially as a team of microlenders and measure the impact of our support to local small businesses.

Join the team today, and let's capture our team lending activity, track who needs help when and support more small business entrepreneurs together! 

Tea Time with Our Funders

Arturo Noriega, Founder and Executive Director of Centro Community Partners.

Arturo Noriega, Founder and Executive Director of Centro Community Partners.

Last month, we had the pleasure to host a special Tea Luncheon for our community of funders and board members, and feature some very talented alumni entrepreneurs from our Entrepreneur Readiness Program. It was a fun time, and the opportunity to share recent impact stories of our work with some of the individuals who have helped us make them a reality. 

We want to give special thanks to Bob Friedman from the Friedman Family Foundation and the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), and Justin Steele, Principal at for joining us to share their journey into our space, and their genuine excitement about what we are accomplishing together.  


We also want to express our gratitude to June Sugiyama and Haley Kirk from Vodafone Americas Foundation - who are new to Centro and came to get to know more about us, the entrepreneurs we serve and the communities where they come from.

Finally, a huge acknowledgment to our star entrepreneurs who made our first Tea Luncheon simply perfect:


Learn Entrepreneurship in Spanish at The Latina Center

Join us and let us help you launch your small business or plan for the business growth you have been wishing for. Never received any formal training? Not entirely comfortable speaking English? No problem! The sessions will be conducted in Spanish and are purposefully tailored to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who are self-taught or haven't attended a formal business school before. 

The workshop will be led using Centro's Business Planning App - a one-of-a-kind tool that guides you through the process of creating a business plan step by step, and right on your mobile phone. We'll combine simple and fun activities on the app with some interactive group sessions to help you analyze the strengths, the challenges and the opportunities ahead for your business.

The program covers: Basic strategy, personal finance, market analysis, value proposition, operations, marketing strategy and business finance.

  • Dates: 8 consecutive Wednesdays, from July 13 to August 31. 
  • Time: 6 - 9 pm.
  • Place: The Latina Center (3701 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA 94805)
  • Cost: $25 per person
  • Language of instruction: Spanish

To register or ask any questions:


Taller Básico para Emprendedores en Español en The Latina Center

Ven y planifica con nosotros el lanzamiento de tu pequeña empresa y el crecimiento que tanto deseas para tu negocio. ¿Nunca has recibido ningún tipo de capacitación formal? ¿No te sientes completamente cómodo hablando inglés? ¡No hay problema! Las sesiones de este taller serán impartidas en español y están adaptadas a las necesidades de emprendedores autodidactas o que nunca han asistido a una escuela de negocios.

El taller será impartido usando la aplicación móvil "Centro Business Planning App" que te guiará paso a paso en el proceso de crear un plan de crecimiento para tu negocio. A través de actividades simples y divertidas, combinadas con dinámicas grupales, te ayudaremos a analizar las fortalezas, los retos y las opciones para crecer tu negocio.

El programa cubre: Estrategia básica, finanzas personales, análisis de mercado, propuesta de valor, operaciones, estrategia de marketing y finanzas del negocio.

  • Fechas: 8 miércoles consecutivos, del 13 de julio hasta el 31 de agosto.
  • Hora: 6 - 9 pm
  • Lugar: The Latina Center (3701 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA 94805).
  • Costo: $25 por persona
  • Idioma de instrucción: Español

Escríbenos para inscribirte o hacer preguntas:

Making Small Business Entrepreneurship Accessible to All in Brazil

Fernando Gameleira, Centro's Representative in Brazil and some of the small business entrepreneurs he has trained in Rio de Janeiro.

Fernando Gameleira, Centro's Representative in Brazil and some of the small business entrepreneurs he has trained in Rio de Janeiro.

Author: Fernando Gameleira

Last summer, I met Naldo Peliks in my home city, Rio de Janeiro. He introduced himself as Centro Community Partners (Centro), Chief of Operations and spoke with great candor and genuine enthusiasm about the mobile app they had developed to help aspiring and current small business owners write business plans. As someone who has worked almost exclusively in the field of entrepreneurship development for decades, he definitely had my ears.

Brazil is the largest country in South America and some say we are entrepreneurial by nature. A significant number of the country's 200 million habitants are constantly developing entrepreneurial activities, both formally and informally. We also speak Portuguese, which makes the country particularly unique in the region.

Centro wanted help testing their Basic Entrepreneurship Program in Brazil, and taking the first steps to officially partner with organizations working with small business entrepreneurs. I of course said yes, and in a matter of a week of meetings with other local consultants and small business specialists, Centro began working with:

  • Sebrae – the largest Brazilian non-profit organization that supports entrepreneurs through more than 700 branches across the country, and

  • CDL Niterói – the chamber that represents retail entrepreneurs in Niterói, the city across the Guanabara Bay of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The pilot group started with 12 people, most of whom were local women working with handcrafted goods and services. As an entrepreneur myself and behavioral trainer – I was in charge of this first pilot workshop, and was left in awe with the immediate impact the entrepreneurs conveyed:

This workshop was a true turning point in my life. I had just been let go of my engineering job and I was so grateful for the supportive and stimulating environment I found in class. All the participants had different backgrounds and life stories, however, we shared a common objective: to learn how to create and build something from scratch. A short two months after finishing my business plan, I created my company “Sommos Consulting” and now feel closer to making my dream and objectives come true.
— Maria Jose Feres

Another woman in the pilot program who had lived in New York for more than two decades before returning to Brazil and opening her own vegan food business, said:

It is very difficult for a creative person to engage with the financial part of a business. But, someone has to do, and as a business owner, I understood no one is better suited than me. Now, I’m finding out how to finally monetize my vegan food business, and save more animals. It is a long and laborious process, but when you aim to save lives, everything becomes just a few steps away.
— Rosana Ferraz

Some entrepreneurs shared how attending the workshop helped them change their minds or course-correct the direction of their business. This happened to Lucia, a journalist who decided to become a creative chocolatier: 

When I started the workshop all I had in mind was to write my business plan to launch “Chocolate de Reis.” But after a few classes and going through the Business Planning App’s intuitive method, I was able to reflect on my previous experience as a scientific journalist. Writing my Mission, Vision and Values helped me understand why “Chocolate de Reis” exists and helped me view my business as a creative business, no matter what I develop. The app also helped me realize the complexities of finance, production and marketing analysis. Without the app and the workshop, I’m sure I would have never understood such concepts.
— Lucia Torres

Leila, an English Teacher and a Tour Guide decided to focus her new tourism business, “Conhecendo Mais,” on the cultural traits of low income communities in Rio de Janeiro. Here is a little bit of her business outlook after the workshop: 

I decided to attend the workshop and write my business plan mostly because I wanted to make more money. After the eighth meeting, I understood how everything in business is connected. I changed so many aspects of my company - from the way I get in touch with my costumers, to the way I price my services, to adding more products and services to my portfolio.
— Leila Gravano

Lastly, one of the most enthusiastic participants was Sandra, the owner of Amazonia Rio Consulting. She said that sharing experiences with the other participants and the instructor made a real difference for her - the ability to help others was an inspiration to consolidate the support network that resulted from the workshop.

I’m very grateful to Sebrae and Centro Community Partners for investing in us. I’m sure we will all give back to our community by being better and more successful entrepreneurs and by not losing focus on the sustainability of our businesses.
— Sandra Barbosa

I am personally thrilled to have found Centro as well, and can't wait to consolidate our nationwide partnership to use the Basic Entrepreneurship Education Suite across Brazil.

EconoCon25: National Summit of Thinkers Working for Small Businesses

Left to right: Julio Ortiz from Opening Doors, Jessica Chittaphong from AnewAmerica, Arturo A. Noriega from Centro Community Partners (Centro) and Claudia Viek of CAMEO.

Left to right: Julio Ortiz from Opening Doors, Jessica Chittaphong from AnewAmerica, Arturo A. Noriega from Centro Community Partners (Centro) and Claudia Viek of CAMEO.

The Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO) is one of the leading organizations in the United States focused on creating opportunity for underserved entrepreneurs. Their work leads micro-business initiatives that assist entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey - from idea to execution to growth.

Last week, Centro was in attendance at AEO's annual conference, EconoCon25 in Washington, DC. Arturo A. Noriega, our Founder and Executive Director, joined more than 500 other industry leaders working for non-profit organizations, community development, financial institutions and government organizations that advocate for small businesses in the country.

The conference was a summit of leading practitioners and the sharing of ideas. Leading minds in the micro-business space came to engage, collaborate, and innovate on some of the most pressing topics impacting our shared work.
— Arturo A. Noriega, Centro's Founder and Executive Director

Arturo served as a panelist in the town hall format panel "Trusted Guidance: Shifting the Support Landscape for Main Street.” In it, business service providers, funders and lenders discussed how to transform technical assistance into a scalable, sustainable, and high-impact guidance for micro/small business enterprises. A great opportunity for Arturo to share Centro's newly launched Basic Entrepreneurship Education Suite.  

Moreover, our goal at EconoCon25 was to show industry stakeholders Centro’s unique Business Planning App - a mobile technology that has been proven to succeed at providing technical assistance, entrepreneurship education and financial literacy across cultures and levels of education. We can't wait to see others joining in creating more technology in this field in the U.S. and the world!

At the conference, Centro earned the Award of Excellence from Kiva Zip for our outstanding work in achieving a perfect 100% rate of repayment on Kiva Zip microloans accessed through Centro’s programs. We are proud of this recognition, especially coming from Jonny Price, Senior Director at Kiva Zip. 

Arturo also returned home with insight we want to share. He said, "I learned that the enterprise development industry was actually born out of the women’s moment in the late 1960s. It really only took a small group of people with conviction which saw that women needed access to sustainable jobs." Some of these leaders included Bob Friedman, Lynne Cutler, and Claudia Viek, who are remarkable visionarys who continue working for more social justice and women today. 

194 New Entrepreneurs Using Centro's Business Planning App this Year

In 2015, Centro finished the year with 785 completed business plans by aspiring and current small business entrepreneurs from around the world who have used our Business Planning App. By the end of the first 2016 quarter, we have helped bring forth another 194 business plans - over half of them created by women entrepreneurs in between 21 and 40 years of age, living in the United States. 

We're excited to see that our app is being a real motivator and tool for young women who want to become small business owners! Scroll down to view who else is using the Business Planning App.


Basic Entrepreneurship Training in Spanish at The Latina Center

Join us and let us help you plan for the growth you have been wishing for your business. Never received any formal training? Not entirely comfortable speaking English? No problem! The sessions will be conducted in Spanish and are purposefully tailored to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who are self-taught or haven't attended a formal business school before. 

The workshop will be led using Centro's Business Planning App - a one-of-a-kind tool that guides you through the process of creating a business plan step by step, and right on your mobile phone. We'll combine simple and fun activities on the app with some interactive group sessions to help you analyze the strengths, the challenges and the opportunities ahead for your business.

The program covers: Basic strategy, personal finance, market analysis, value proposition, operations, marketing strategy and business finance.

  • Dates: 9 consecutive Thursdays, beginning May 3rd (May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31; June 7, 14, 21 and 28).
  • Time: 6 - 9 pm
  • Place: The Latina Center (3701 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA 94805)
  • Cost: $25 per person

To register or ask any questions:

July 2016 intake available

This training program will be repeated in July - August 2016. Please view the details here.


Taller Básico para Emprendedores en Español en The Latina Center

Ven y planifica con nosotros el crecimiento que tanto deseas para tu negocio. ¿Nunca has recibido ningún tipo de capacitación formal? ¿No te sientes completamente cómodo hablando inglés? ¡No hay problema! Las sesiones de este taller serán impartidas en español y están adaptadas a las necesidades de emprendedores autodidactas o que nunca han asistido a una escuela de negocios.

El taller será impartido usando la aplicación móvil "Centro Business Planning App" que te guiará paso a paso en el proceso de crear un plan de crecimiento para tu negocio. A través de actividades simples y divertidas, combinadas con dinámicas grupales, te ayudaremos a analizar las fortalezas, los retos y las opciones para crecer tu negocio.

El programa cubre: Estrategia básica, finanzas personales, análisis de mercado, propuesta de valor, operaciones, estrategia de marketing y finanzas del negocio.

  • Fechas: 9 jueves consecutivos, empezando el 3 de mayo (mayo 3, 10, 17, 24 y 31; junio 7, 14, 21 y 28).
  • Hora: 6 - 9 pm
  • Lugar: The Latina Center (3701 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA 94805)
  • Costo: $25 por persona

Escríbenos para inscribirte o hacer preguntas:

Disponible también en julio 2016

Este programa será repetido en julio - agosto 2016. Por favor, consulte los detalles aquí.

Business Clubs for Youth in Moldova Using Centro's Business Planning App

Oleg, one of our partner entrepreneurship trainers at our new affiliate organization in Moldova, Kingdom Paradigm.

Oleg, one of our partner entrepreneurship trainers at our new affiliate organization in Moldova, Kingdom Paradigm.

Last week Centro launched its first Basic Entrepreneurship Training pilot in Moldova! We are partnering with Kingdom Paradigm, a local social enterprise working to empower small business entrepreneurs and facilitating both personal and community transformation.

The first phase of this pilot project is to create a business club for youth (ages 16-18) who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. The pilot is using Centro’s Basic Entrepreneurship Training program and Business Planning App (available today in Russian) to provide an 8-week course on-site. During the program participants will develop a basic business plan, conduct an MVP test to validate their business concept and present their business ideas to Kingdom Paradigm.

The goal of the program is to teach participants the skills needed to start a business and to identify two business concepts for Kingdom Paradigm to invest in and help launch.

Business Clubs for Youth

After the pilot is completed, Kingdom Paradigm's intention is to establish other business clubs at several local schools and colleges that offer ongoing business workshops. At these clubs, Centro's Business Planning App will also be used to help more young people test their business concepts, develop their business models and start more small businesses in the country.

Tailored Advanced Business Training

The second phase of the pilot also includes working with Kingdom Paradigm’s existing clients who have already received investments but could benefit from reviewing their business objectives and practices. In this case, a tailored version of Centro’s Entrepreneurship Readiness Program will provide advanced entrepreneurship training and mentoring to established small business owners who want to improve their business skills, and create plans to grow their businesses.

Centro will create the advanced training curriculum, train Kingdom Paradigm’s trainers on how to implement it, and provide oversight and support to its trainers as they conduct their first program.

Cross-Cultural Leader: DJ Healy

Before joining Centro, DJ worked in Eastern Europe for 5 years as a Peace Corps volunteer and English teacher. Realizing the immense potential for entrepreneurs in this part of the world, and after investing almost a decade developing relationships with local organizations and entrepreneurs, DJ has provided Centro with the stepping stones to help the country’s young and burgeoning entrepreneurs.

We look forward to continue providing them with the tools and skills they need to start and grow their own businesses, in their own language.

Securing Sustainable Growth for Centro and the Communities We Serve

Centro is honored to have been selected by the prestigious Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI) at the Miller Center in Santa Clara University to participate of their 2016 Online Program for social enterprises. We are even more excited to say Centro was the only US-based organization and non-profit chosen among the more than 300 applicants world-wide this year! 

Throughout the 6-month program, former entrepreneurs and seasoned advisors Michael Wray and Doug Wheeler will help Centro: 

  • Scale its model and services nationally
  • Secure the tools and investment for a sustainable growth trajectory
  • Select the best social indicators to mesure our impact in the world

Altogether, our goal is to persevere in our mission to foster socio-economic change by providing rising yet underserved entrepreneurs with the best and most appropriate tools available to launch or grow their small businesses and create jobs in their communities.

We are also humbled to share this program with a truly outstanding group of social entrepreneurs who are making huge strides to create more social equity in the world. View who they are and what they are doing here. We can't wait to connect with them and explore collaborations after this organizational growth intensive!

Learn More About GSBI

Uploaded by Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship on 2015-10-12.

Founded in 1997, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship is one of three Centers of Distinction at Santa Clara University. Miller Center accelerates global, innovation-based social entrepreneurship in service to humanity. Its strategic focus is on eradicating poverty and preserving the planet through its three areas of work: The Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®), Impact Capital, and Education and Action Research. 

Launched in 2003, the GSBI is a leading social enterprise accelerator, providing capacity building programs around the world and helping social enterprises grow through a business-centric model. The GSBI distinguishes itself from other accelerators through its social enterprise selection process, stage-specific programs, and in-depth, executive-level mentoring; enterprises emerge more financially sustainable and investment ready. 




Teaching Entrepreneurship in Colombia Using Centro’s Business Planning App

For the past two years, Centro has been partnering with numerous organizations throughout Colombia, such as Impact Hub Medellín, the Universidad Javeriana de Cali and the Ministry of Development of Envigado, with the goal to reach small business entrepreneurs where they are, and provide them with more guidance to launch or grow their ventures.  As a result, hundreds of entrepreneurs from Bogotá, Cali, Tuluá, La Ceja, Medellín, and other cities around the country have taken part in quality business planning and leadership development programs led by local Centro-trained facilitators.

This month, through a partnership with the Municipality of La Ceja, Antioquia, a group of eight women graduated from our entrepreneurship program at Casa de la Mujer. For eight weeks, they worked on their business plans using Centro’s Business Planning App guided by Estefania Cardona y Johanna Trejos, two local facilitators who built on the content we provided with additional marketing, finance and motivational workshops.

By the end of the program, the women were so pleased that they took it upon themselves to start recruiting other women for the next intake of the entrepreneurship program, and plan a surprise celebratory meal for their facilitators.

We share this with joy and a warm heart because this is an example of how a small group, once empowered, can take concrete steps to bring about social and economic changes and build community around them.     

Want to Learn More About Centro's Work in LATAM?

We'd love to chat and find more ways to partner with organizations in the region. Please contact Elena Restrepo at

3 Bay Area Women Entrepreneurs Ask You to Help Grow Their Businesses

This month we have three women small business entrepreneurs funding loans at 0% interest through Kiva Zip. They are the first Centro entrepreneurs to request loans this year, and we’re proud to be their loan trustee!

We vouch for these inspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who are taking every step to ensure their continued success. Click below to get to know their businesses and personal stories, and lend them $25 or more today! We guarantee it will be a rewarding and empowering experience for you and them.

Lend $25 to a Woman Small Business Owner

Feleciai Favroth

Skincare by Feleciai | All Natural Beauty Line  

We manufacture and sell natural, luxury skin care products including soaps, creams, body butters and sugar scrubs. Our goal is to celebrate diversity in beauty and our target consumer is the professional woman, 30+ who appreciates and needs high quality products for her skin.

“Growing up, I struggled with "fitting into the mold" of what others considered beautiful. I have now made it my mission to celebrate diversity and the beauty of all women with my handcrafted, all natural beauty line!” Says Feleciai.

Purpose of loan: to purchase new, upgraded packaging; revamp website with new template and photos: conduct two photo shoots and purchase new labels; purchase raw ingredients.

***Current status: loan fully funded.

Reem Assil

Reem’s | Arab Street Food

Classic Arab street foods combining traditional flavors with high quality locally-sourced ingredients, all made with California love. We specialize in the man'oushe (pronounced Man-OOO-shay) a snack emblem of the Arab world enjoyed in the Levant.

Reem’s vision is to create an anchor establishment that will build and nurture strong and vibrant communities through the rich experience of Arab food and culture.

Purpose of the loan: to purchase a utility truck to transport my food and equipment to different locations, and hire part-time staff to help me produce more in the kitchen.

***Current status: loan fully funded.

Nellie Stokeld

The Pie Shop | Authentic British Pies, Pasties, Teas & Treats

The Pie Shop is a second generation offering from the Stokeld family beginning with Chris Stokeld, an immigrant hailing from North Yorkshire in England. Fifty years later, the emphasis of our shop is still on whole food, made with integrity and served with love.

Purpose of the loan: To hire a new employee, purchase new equipment, and improve online retail services.

***Current status: loan fully funded.



Want a loan to launch or grow your small business?

If you’d like to start or grow a small business with a free loan, download Centro's Business Planning App on your phone. Once all the activities in the app are completed, request Centro's endorsement for a Kiva loan right there on the app.

We are Kiva's top 10 Trustee for 2015 and we'd love to help you!


Start a Business: Sign Up for a Basic 9-Week Entrepreneurship Program in SF

Have you always wanted to start a small business? To be your own boss? To offer something unique to others? To play a bigger part in your community? If you are not afraid to work hard for your dreams, join us!

Centro is partnering with Urban Solutions to offer a 9-week Basic Entrepreneurship program in San Francisco. Our missions of building communities through thriving businesses is at the heart of the workshop series, as is Centro's Business Planning App.

The coursework will be a guided, step-by-step process to create a business plan through simple and fun activities, in addition to interactive workshops that will help you analyze and develop further the concepts you put in paper. We will also cover Basic Strategy (i.e. vision, mission and values), Personal Finance, Market Analysis, Value Proposition, Operations, Marketing Strategy and Business Finance.

Program Details:

  • 9 consecutive Thursdays from 4 - 7 pm, beginning April 28

  • Cost: $99 (Scholarships available for low-income entrepreneurs)

For more information about the program and the scholarships available, please email: They will be happy to chat and reserve a spot for you!

The program will take place in San Francisco in central Market St. - exact location to be confirmed soon.

Helping Small Businesses Stay in Business in Oakland and the Bay Area

Lisa, from Green Girl Bakeshop - endorsed by Centro Community Partners for a Kiva Zip loan.

Lisa, from Green Girl Bakeshop - endorsed by Centro Community Partners for a Kiva Zip loan.

Every year, Kiva writes a report on the different areas of their work. This year, we are challenged, excited and finally inspired by the encouraging results shared by Kiva Zip in 2015. Here is a brief summary of data shown on their presentation:

Income and wealth inequality are on the rise in the U.S., yet we believe small businesses can reverse that. Unfortunately, more companies are closing than entering the market in great part because it is increasingly hard to access micro and small loans in America. And that’s where Kiva comes in.

In 2015, 39,014 people crowdfunded $4,715,325 in loans to 811 U.S. small businesses owners looking to make a positive impact in their communities. Kiva Zip’s goal is to raise that number to $8.6 million in 2016 through 1,500 loans endorsed by community Trustees.

At this moment, Kiva Zip has over 700 community Trustees, and Centro is one of them. What's more, Kiva Zip has selected us their top 10 Trustee in the U.S. for 2015! In total, we have endorsed $115,800 in loans for 14 small business owners in the Bay Area who have an outstanding repayment rate of 99%.

Centro Community Top 10 Kiva Zip Trustee

Kiva Zip makes 0% of these loans thanks to the generosity and trust of thousands of lenders using Kiva Zip as a way to do good in the world. Altogether, this is proof that being a real community and thriving together is possible.

Let’s do more of it

Financial Projections Workshop for Small Business Entrepreneurs

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Are you a small business entrepreneur? Would you like to create a realistic financial plan for 2016? We have a workshop for you!

Centro is offering a 6-hour Financial Projections Workshop in Oakland, Ca on January 28th. This is a rare opportunity, and an ideal time of the year to figure out the most important finance questions and challenges of your business. 

The financial template we'll use, will allow you to:

  • Create a month-by-month financial plan to grow their business

  • Understand how much their business really needs to sell to earn a profit

  • Analyze how effectively you are spending money

  • Set realistic expectations for how your business will perform

  • Examine the financial implications of your business decisions

  • Determine how much capital you need to grow and what you need to do to pay it back

Workshop Details:

  • Date: Thursday, January 28th, 2016
  • Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Place: 250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, 3rd Floor in Computer Lab A Oakland, CA 94612 (12th Street Bart Station)
  • Cost: $50 per business 

How to Sign Up

Please contact our Entrepreneurship Trainer and Program Manager, DJ Healy at or (307) 431-8084.

Deadline to Sign Up

Please contact us immediately. The application deadline is Tuesday, January 26th at noon time. 


Setting Up Women for Success in Peru through Microenterprises

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In June 2015, Centro traveled to Peru to conduct a Basic Business Training Program for women entrepreneurs. In a month, we trained 53 women in basic entrepreneurship, financial literacy and leadership skills. But our highest achievement was made possible through the use of Centro's signature Business Planning App in the classroom.

The Business Planning App helps us build a breakthrough bridge other local and international organizations working with micro-entrepreneurs haven't been able to tackle successfully - and that is connecting technology, real opportunity and the sense of possibility in women who just a few hours before hesitated themselves using a smartphone, and doubted their potential despite their inherent talent and learned skills.

View how we did it and help us repeat

Our goals in peru 

  • Train 100 more women in 2016 in basic entrepreneurship
  • Empower them with the support to create or retain their microenterprises
  • Measure and track their household income and savings rates

We have committed to set them up for success by preparing them to become self-sustaining entrepreneurs as they build together thriving and prosperous communities for their families.

How you can support

Please make a donation to help us replicate and build on this life-changing experience for low-income women in Peru. Your gift will contribute to:

  • Pay for the transportation costs of the women from their local towns
  • Prepare and print for every entrepreneur the material in the curriculum
  • Pay for the tablets we will loan the entrepreneurs and internet access
  • Subsidize our trainer fees and diet 
  • Sponsor one-on-one business advising for the entrepreneurs

Every dollar you contribute counts and will help us reach our goals.