Entrepreneurship Education, Enterprise Development & Financial Literacy

We train underserved and under resourced entrepreneurs to help them start, develop, and grow their businesses. We also support graduate business school students in becoming small business consultants.


The Centro Capital Hub helps entrepreneurs access capital through Kiva loans, small business loans, and grants. Centro serves as the Kiva Hub for San Francisco and Oakland (and Alameda County) to help entrepreneurs access interest-free loans of up to $15,000 and works closely with local lenders to help entrepreneurs access larger small business loans of up to $250,000.

More about the centro capital hub


Centro 1-on-1 Business Coaching is for entrepreneurs who need help with specific business issues that don’t require a full training program to address. Free 1-on-1 coaching services are available to both graduates of Centro’s training programs and entrepreneurs who have not participated in any Centro programs.

More about our Business Coaching Services

Small Business Advisor Program

Centro trains graduate business students to become business advisors and professional coaches. During the program, MBA candidates and other graduate business school students volunteer to work one-on-one with an entrepreneur in our Advanced Entrepreneurship Program to advise and coach them through the process of developing and executing their business plan. Advisors are also supported by a body of experienced professionals who give back to the community by serving as their mentors.

More about our Small Business Advisor Program


We also share our knowledge and experience with micro-finance institutions and entrepreneur development organizations everywhere.

Consulting services

Centro provides customized consulting services to other organizations working in the micro-finance and entrepreneurship development space. We work with these organizations to come up with solutions to systemic challenges.

More about our consulting services


We believe that with the appropriate tools, guidance and access to capital, we can restore the sense of power in underserved entrepreneurs, uplift their livelihoods and create healthier communities.
— The Centro Team

Past Programs

Basic Entrepreneurship Program

Centro's Basic Entrepreneurship Program was designed for individuals primarily in the idea stage of their business who have not yet been exposed to any business education. The program is delivered through Centro's Global Network of Affiliates.  


Centro's Advanced Entrepreneurship Program was purposefully created for those who have completed our Basic Entrepreneurship Program or similar training, have a portfolio of products or services, and want help developing a business model they can act upon. In addition to participating in weekly workshops, entrepreneurs are mentored by business students enrolled in Centro's Small Business Advisor Program.


Centro’s Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is designed for individuals primarily in the idea stage who aren’t able to participate in Centro’s basic entrepreneurship program.