Financial Institutions | Foundations | Corporations | Others | In-Kind Donors

Our Investors

These organizations make our work possible. They have our backs so that we can have the backs of entrepreneurs who deserve a chance to succeed, provide for their families, and grow into healthy communities. We thank them wholeheartedly for their alignment with our vision and for entrusting us with the resources to work toward it.


What our funders say:


Would you like to support Centro too?

Make an online donation today, become a sustaining donor, or join us as a corporate partner with an in-kind gift or pro bono work. You can also volunteer or work for us!

To nominate Centro for a grant or private endowment,
please contact Arturo Noriega at










In-Kind Donors



Our Funders

We are grateful for the generous support from our funders. Their commitment enables us to continue our vital work in the community.

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