Centro stands together in solidarity with Black communities and entrepreneurs.

All of us at Centro, have been listening and deeply reflecting on the traumatizing and violent events that our community and country have been going through. Centro’s mission has always been to challenge the broken systems that perpetuate discrimination and racism, and today we feel more than ever to be steadfast in our commitment.

As a team, we stand together in solidarity with the Black community.

We see the pain that Black colleagues, entrepreneurs, families, children, neighbors and friends are going through. We see you and we hear you. We are saddened and frustrated with the institutional systemic racism and discrimination that has continued to oppress Black communities for too long.

Today and every day we remain united with all people who have experienced racism, discrimination and abuse of their human rights. Centro condemns the violence and destruction of Black communities.

We want to raise our voices and keep the community spirit in supporting our entrepreneurs with fundamental values such as equality, respect, justice and inclusivity. We will continue working hard to create the structural changes that will meet the needs of those who have had their human rights suppressed for too long.  Supporting and protecting diverse communities is the cornerstone of progress for a better and a more just world that is long overdue.

In solidarity,

Centro’s Team

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