Nancy Charraga, Owner of Casa Bonampak
Local small businesses come together during the month of May, all throughout the United States, and re-affirm how much they contribute to the economy, and how happy their owners are to do so!
In our area, the cities of Oakland and San Francisco have put together an array of events for everyone to enjoy. Do not miss them!
If you are a small business entrepreneur, review the schedules closely because there are many resources and opportunities that will be brought forth during these weeks of celebration.
Free Admission to "Flavors of San Francisco"
San Francisco's Small Business Week kick-off event, Flavors, is on Monday, May 23. Centro will be there together with 70 other small business resource providers. Come to find ways to improve your business, and explore the many other new entrepreneurs emerging in the area. There will be lots to eat and drink too!
If you are part of the Centro community, please email us at and we will get you in for free with a promotional code.
If nothing else, please join the "shop local movement" and support the small businesses near you!