New To-Do List added to our Business Planning App

We are excited to share that we have launched a new version of our Centro Business Planning App with a new To-Do List, where you can track your progress and understand the steps ahead! 

Each section of the Business Plan you are creating has its own To-Do List, which can be seen by swiping left and right. We recommend that entrepreneurs go through all of the cards and mark the tasks that have already been completed. 

Every time you complete a new task, you can go to the To-Do List and check that box. Then you will see how the yellow “To-Do” tag becomes a green “Completed” tag. In the upper right corner, we have also added a toggle button where you can easily switch the view from “To Do” tasks, where completed tasks are removed, to “All” tasks, where you can see the full list of tasks.

We have also added an information icon where you can find additional information and clarification of certain tasks.

From time to time, a pop-up will appear to ask if you would like to update your To-Do List and keep it up-to-date to make sure you are on track. You can get easily access the To-Do List whenever you want from the menu to check your progress.

The latest version of the App is available for Apple and Android devices:

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