Winner of MIT Solve Challenge 2021

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We are honored and very excited to share we are one of the five winners of the Reimagining Pathways to Employment Challenge, presented by MIT Solve!

Read the full announcement here.

We congratulate the other winners - Arts2Work, ChargerHelp!, Generation USA and The Last Mile - as well as the close to 200 solutions submitted! We want to express our gratitude to the partners that sponsored the competition (Morgridge Family Foundation, New Profit, CSU Global, and IBM), as well as the judges.

Challenge Question: How can workers in the United States attain the knowledge and learn the skills needed to access sustainable jobs and livelihoods in the new economy?

Our solution is centered on Democratizing Entrepreneurship by leveraging Centro’s Business Planning App, an inclusive app empowering women and minorities to pursue entrepreneurship as a pathway towards employment and a secure financial future. Read Centro’s full submission for the MIT Solve Challenge here.

We are incredibly humbled and eager to continue to evolve and scale support for women and underserved communities to pursue entrepreneurship.

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