8 Hand-picked Bay Area Small Business Owners Train with Centro this Spring

Illustrator and storyteller Dania Frink from Fluffy Jo

Illustrator and storyteller Dania Frink from Fluffy Jo

Last week, eight Bay Area small business owners began Centro's Entrepreneur Readiness Program. For 14 weeks, they will work hand-in-hand with Centro's entrepreneurship trainers and their MBA advisors. Together, they will develop in-depth studies of the businesses, re-write business plans, create sustainable business models, prioritize marketing campaigns, and more.

We chose these incredibly passionate group of individuals who we are confident have everything it takes to move forward with the dream job they created for themselves, and succeed. We are also excited to share that 75% of them are women in a second or third career at 40+ years old!

Meet our Spring 2016 Entrepreneur Readiness Program Candidates

Melanie Tom

Hawthorn Flower Studio | Oakland, CA

Kai Neptune-Salisbury

KaiLight Creations | San Leandro, CA

kailightcreations.com is under construction.

kailightcreations.com is under construction.

Tighe O'Sullivan

Viaports International | San Francisco, CA

Abdul Wahid Taha

Papa's bean pie | Oakland, CA

Dionne Knox

Zella's Soulful Kitchen | Oakland, CA

Claire Fung

GUAVA, The Caribbean Food Company | Oakland, CA

Dania Frink

Fluffly Jo - Illustrations and Storytelling | Hayward, CA

Lucia Heat

Radical Designs | Oakland, CA

Do you have a small business too?

If you too have a small business in the Bay Area, and would like to make it bigger and better, check out the requirements for Centro's Entrepreneurship Readiness program. You might be eligible to take part on our next session.

You can also use Centro's Business Planning App to structure your business plan right on your phone.



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