Teach first-time entrepreneurs how to start a business
Help us launch the only Basic Business Training Program for underserved entrepreneurs in downtown Oakland. We want to train 40 - 60 entrepreneurs who are primarily in the early stage of their businesses and who have not been exposed yet to any business education.
give entrepreneurs a real space where they can test ideas
Help us provide a year-round booth space for low-income entrepreneurs at the Farmer's Market in Oakland. Together we can give them a head-start. Let's help them practice their sales pitch, conduct product and customer research, and gain the confidence they need.
Help more small business owners understand finance
Help us create an easy way to project sales, expenses and capital needs using just a smartphone. This will allow small business owners to make sense of their finances, help them manage the business, mitigate risk, and apply for micro-loans.
Make a Contribution Towards any Item on Our Wish List
100% of your donation will go to our programs
Your entire donation will go towards the development and execution of the programs and mobile tools that support small business entrepreneurs in our community.
Donate by Dec. 31 and deduct it from your 2015 taxes
Centro is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations to Centro are tax deductible. Please send your gift by Dec. 31st and apply the donation towards your 2015 taxes.