Crea Tu Modelo de Negocio

¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro Programa “Crea Tu Modelo de Negocio” de 4 sesiones! 

Este curso en persona gratuito tiene como propósito aprender cómo estructurar su negocio para que este sea exitoso, desde una propuesta valiosa, un tipo de cliente adecuado, un servicio y producto de alta calidad y una finanzas eficientes para ser rentable.

Estructura del programa

  • 8 horas de formación presencial sobre competencias empresariales básicas.

  • 2 horas de sesión de coaching individual con uno de nuestros formadores de negocios experimentados.

  • Celebración de graduación y panel de discusión de emprendedores (solo en persona).

  • Aprende a crear tu modelo de negocio.

  • Taller disponible en español.


  • Aprende a estructurar un negocio exitoso

  • Define tu propuesta de valor

  • Encuentra a tu cliente ideal para tu mercado

  • Desarrolla productos o servicios de alta calidad


  • Mostrar una dedicación genuina para iniciar o hacer crecer un negocio.

  • Busque ganancias y brinde beneficio social a su comunidad

El programa está destinado a todos, independientemente de su nivel de educación o experiencia.

Looking for an Advanced Program for Entrepreneurs?

Our Advanced Entrepreneurship Program is designed to help small businesses grow, and it might be just the right fit for you.

Upcoming Centro Programs


For those interested in joining Centro’s programs and who are not in California, New York or Miami, we have a growing network of Centro Affiliates in the United States and abroad.

Please connect with them directly and they will follow up with the details of their admissions process and any additional requirements they may have.


If you have any questions, please see our FAQs section or contact our Community Engagement area at

Testimonials from Former Participants

“In the Centro Basic Business Program I learned more deeply about myself and what I actually want to do with my business. I learned how to price my services in a way that reflected my value and loved the diversity of thought from my fellow entrepreneurs in the program.”
— Jorge Castro from Compliance Network - a company creating technical solutions for hospitals to be safety compliant. Age 23.
“Before I came to Centro Community Partners, a friend of mine sent me a 30 page document on how to create a business plan. I was so overwhelmed. When Centro gave me a call, I was elated to receive help. I love that the Centro Program broke down how to write a business plan step by step with direct one on one support from an experienced business owner and trainer. The Centro Program has provided me with the confidence I need to move forward in executing my dream of opening a salon in Oakland.”
— Kellie King Beauty Salon - a natural multicultural hair salon in Oakland. Age 51.
“Everyday after class, I felt like I could start a business right then and there no matter who I was or what my background was. I felt like my business idea was possible and that Centro would be there to help each step of the way.”
— Marcel Haynes from True Believer Bar - a comic book bar. Age 38.
“The Centro Community Partners Basic Entrepreneurship Program was awesome. I now have a toolkit on how to start my business - to think about where I am going with my business, how I can actually get funded, and how I can think about capital no longer in a stressful way, but in an abundant way.”
— Binta Ayofemi from Black and Brown Market - a company repurposing empty lots in urban areas with markets for black and brown makers. Age 30.